Pioneer Woman Wiki

BBQ Jalapeno Poppers is a recipe that appears in The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl.

Official description[]

There are so many different versions of these delightful pop-in-your-mouth jalapenos. My sister-in-law Missy makes a more basic version, stuffing jalapeno halves with plain cream cheese, wrapping them in bacon, and baking them slowly for half an hour or so. When she's feeling particularly mischievous, Missy cooks them on the grill. Either way, they're a real treat. Here's my spin on the old classic.

Important: Wear gloves when working with fresh jalapenos or you'll curse the ground on which I walk because you'll wake up in the middle of the night with throbbing fingertips. And there's nothing compared to what happens if you accidentally scratch your eye - or worse, something else.


  • 18 fresh jalapenos
  • one 8-ounce package cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 green onion
  • 18 slices thin bacon, cut into halves
  • bottled barbeque sauce
  • toothpicks
  • rubber gloves (or plastic bags) for working with jalapenos

Preheat the oven to 275*F.

Begin by cutting jalapenos in half lengthwise (see warning in headnote). Try to keep the stems intact. They look prettier that way.

With a spoon, scrape out the seeds and light-colored membranes. Remember: the heat comes from the membranes, so if you can handle the sizzle, leave some of them intact.

Now, in a bowl, combine the cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and chopped green onion. Mix the ingredients together gently. And don't feel you have to use an electric mixer. I do because I'm lazy and don't like to exert myself. Ever. (Too much scrubbing clothes on the washboard, I suppose.) [sic]

Next, stuff each hollowed jalapeno half the cheese mixture.

Wrap bacon slices around each half, covering as much of the surface as you can. Be careful not to stretch the bacon too tightly around the jalapeno, as the bacon will contract as it cooks.

Brush the surface of the bacon with your favorite barbeque sauce. Chutney or apricot jelly works well, too!

Secure the jalapenos with toothpicks and pop them in the oven for 1 hour, or until the bacon is sizzling.

Serve hot or at room temperature, and watch them disappear within seconds. I've seriously caught guests stuffing these into their purses. Sometimes I have to call law enforcement. [sic]
